Your child was lying in his/her cradle or playing quietly on the floor and now he/she is starting to squirm and cry in a fretful tone, maybe waving his arms and kicking his legs. May be your child is bored and just needs some of your attention or your gentle hug. Hold your precious in your hands lull for a while, show something interesting switch the activity and he/she will be fine.

It is hard to mix up crying caused by pain with other crying types. If your baby is in pain, he/she will suddenly cry out at the top of his/her lungs. The cry will be shrill and loud, your baby’s face may become red. Your infant may stiffen his/her arms and legs and squeeze her eyes shut. Try to understand what causes pain to your baby and try to stop it. If you failed contact your doctor.

When my daughter is coming down with some kind of illness, her behavior changes a little. Instead of playing quietly on the floor, she is only satisfied if she has 100% of my attention or if I hold her on my hands. She sleeps restlessly. She cries in a whiny, half-hearted manner, as if she doesn’t have enough energy to throw a full-blown fit. If you notice such symptoms and suspect your child is sick, but you are not sure and can see no obvious signs of illness, continue to watch your baby closely and take his/her temperature periodically. If you have any doubts at all, contact your pediatrician.

Babies usually suffer from colic in the first three months of their life. It is said that male infants more often have colic. I was not that lucky mommy whose child hasn’t got colic. My girl began her consistent crying every evening sometimes at night, but some infants cry off and on all day. She was hard to comfort, and her cries was generally rhythmic and hard to control. It helped when she was lying on her stomach or when I took her for a ride in her stroller. In fact, she was almost impossible to quiet. Try to keep in mind, your child needs your attention and the whole patience you have. There is good news about colicky babies though – they will grow out of it after a few weeks.

Finally, if you can’t understand why your child is crying you may contact your doctor. Describe how your baby is crying, when he/she is crying, and are you able to comfort her.

Now that you know how to understand your baby’s crying your communication is going to be more successful.

Read more info about baby crying, its reason and what to do.